Monday, December 8, 2014

Day 7 - Snacktime and Nap

Dear Santa,

This is Trixie the elf, reporting in from house number JD11235813. I'm here to talk about the subject named "Jack". He has been a good boy today. He played well with his friends at church and at home today. He was helpful around the house, and did as he was told. Not bad for a three year old

I finally found edible food on the premises. Last night, Jack's aunt came over and made M&M cookies. After everyone went to bed, I ate some, and then I ate some more, and then I ate some more. There were a few that were overcooked, but overall they were pretty good.

After my snack, I was really sleepy, but I had to be careful where I slept. I heard reports from the stuffed animals of a giant furry white monster that would snatch up unsuspecting small stuffed animals. This creature would either take its prey into its lair, or on the living room rug, and chew their eyes out. I heard first hand testimony from a couple of its victims. Descriptions of the beast match that of the family dog, Lucy.

Armed with this information, I looked for a high place to sleep. After checking several rooms, I put together a nice, comfy hammock. It was high enough off the ground that I could avoid the beast. I slept well, and was only occasionally interrupted by the sound of running water.

Eighteen days and counting to the best Christmas ever,

Trixie the elf


  1. "Descriptions of the beast match that of the family dog, Lucy." Love it!
