Sunday, December 7, 2014

Days 5 and 6 - Storytime and Stuck

Dear Santa,

This is Trixie the elf, reporting in from house number JD11235813, concerning the subject "Jack". I'm sorry for my lack of communication the past day. I had a rather unfortunate incident that kept me from reporting in.

First, I have to log a complaint about in this household. It's next to impossible to find anything nourishing here to eat. There are no candy canes and no gum drops; no candies, cakes, or cookies that are a part of an elf's diet. Jack's parents are on some kind of diet, so all I can find are "whole grain" this and "leafy green" that. How's a Santa's helper supposed to live on this stuff?

So I hatched a plan to get out and get more supplies. I made a rope ladder out of yarn and pipe cleaners, and attempted to get to the roof. I got into the attic, but then I couldn't find the ventilation pipe to get out. What's worse, the door into the attic closed behind me, so I was stuck in the attic all night. It was so cold up there without any cups of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. Oh the agony!

I managed to slip back into the house after Jack's father opened the attic door to put away extra Christmas decoration boxes. I don't know why he would put decorations away. There can never be enough Christmas decorations in a house. But back to the food supplies, I'm going to try another escape tomorrow. Maybe I'll try to use the front door this time.

In unrelated news, I've been building my relationships with Jack's stuffed associates. They are very curious about life in the North Pole. I've been having "story time" with the stuffed animals, reading them stories from books, and adding the truth where the authors have made mistakes. Clifford, the big red dog, assists me by giving me a perch so I can read to my audience without being hidden behind the book.

To conclude my report, I have found Jack to be a good boy. He says please with his requests, and often says thank you. Lately, he has been saying nice things to other people, like "Mommy, you're hair looks nice today." or "Daddy, that's a nice white shirt." That's very impressive coming from a three-year-old.

Eagerly awaiting the best Christmas ever,

Trixie the elf

1 comment:

  1. We're all going to be sad when Christmas is over and the elf goes into hibernation! These posts are great.
